
We Work With People who


  • Architects
  • Building Designers
  • Interior Designers
  • Engineers


  • Builders
  • Sub-Contractors
  • Fabricators
  • Installers


  • Project Managers
  • Developers
  • BIM & Digital
  • Engineering Managers

Our Services


Clear and customised project documentation tailored to suit project, contract and client demands.


Accurate, fit for purpose models built by experienced technicians with robust consideration of constructability.


Deep understanding of client and project objectives, desires and requirements to deliver projects smoothly.

Our Thoughts

Our Tools

Your Questions

When is the best time to get Parametric onto our project?

ASAP, yes, we do know how that sounds, but it true. If you are submitting Fees or a Tender then we can assist with Scope Review and Risk Assessment for the Digital Deliverables. For supporting Design Projects, once a Development Approval submission has been completed is a real sweet spot for our Clients to get us involved.

What are your Fees?

We typically sit between 0.5% and 5% of Construction Cost for Fixed Scope/Fee Proposals.

Our Hourly Rates range in $120 to $240 per hour ex GST.

We Fee each project based on several metrics, we look at project complexity, we look at the risk/responsibility we are taking on, we look at the project size, construction cost and program. Then we estimate who we need, what they will do and how long they are required on a project.

Why engage Parametric when there are cheaper options?

We have heard from several clients that whilst offshore, sole contractors, temp employees etc are cheaper per hour there are a few things to consider. The costs of managing and directing these resources add up very quickly and your team’s time and value is better spent elsewhere. We are not going to leave you/your project in the lurch when there is a better offer.

Are you locally based?

100%. We are locally trained, we all live locally and we have tons of local experience. We don’t have any offshore employees or resources as part of our service delivery so we are a perfect choice for State Government projects requiring local content or security.

Can you work on projects where Security of Payments Legislation Applies?

Yes, we have structured our business and team’s employment to ensure compliance with obligations for the legislation. We do not participate in sham contracting practices and so protect our client’s from claims when we provide statutory declarations regarding payments and entitlements.

Who is doing the work?

The team have a range of qualifications and are specialists in various aspects of project modelling and documentation. We all have a deep passion for the work that we do and we actively develop our team’s skills and professional development. Our team are all employed directly under robust HR and WHS frameworks.

What Insurance do you carry?

We carry all required insurance policies including Professional Indemnity ($5m) Public Liability and Workers Compensation Insurance.

How do you fit in with Project Teams?

In short; really well. We always ‘play the ball and not the person’ and put the Project Outcome first. We place genuine importance on the welfare of our people and the people we work with. We use structured communication tailored to our clients preference to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Will you work under an NDA (non-disclosure agreement)?

Yes we can and have done so on numerous projects.

What if I have a question not covered here?

Reach out to us below, we love a good question!

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